1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

COCKTAILS Robin Cocktail


3 dashes Calisaya 1 jigger Scotch Whish-y

Stir well. Serve with 1 cherry

Rose Cocktail

A jigger Orange juice A jigger Grenadine Syrup

A jigger Gin. Shake well

Rossington Cocktail i jigger Italian Vermouth Orange peel. Stir well i jigger Tom Gin

Royal Smile Cocktail

t jigger lime juice t jigger Grenadine Syrup -! jigger French Vermouth

t jigger Apple Brandy I white of egg. Shake Serve in claret glass

Ruby Cocktail

t jigger Sloe Gin t jigger French Vermouth

2 dashes Raspberry Frappe. 1 cherry

Sabbath Cocktail

t pony Black Coffee t barspoon sugar Shake, strain into claret glass

l jigger French Brandy t jigger Port Wine I egg

Salome Cocktail

i jigger French Vermouth i- jigger Italian Vermouth !- jigger Dry Gin

2 dashes Orange Bitters Frappe with 3 Celery leaves

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