1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

COCKTAILS Sunshine Cocktail (For Two)


Juice of I lime t jigger French Vermouth I! jigger Tom Gin I barspoon Grenadine

I white of egg for each person Frappe. Serve in claret glass

Swan Cocktail

t jigger French · Ver– mouth -! jigger Dry Gin. Stir

3 drops lime juice 2 drops Angostura Bitters

Taxi Cocktail

t jigger French Vermouth t jigger Dry Gin 2 barspoonfuls lime juice

2 barspoonfuls Absinthe Frappe

Tango Cocktail

! jigger Italian Vermouth t jigger Dry Gin

t barspoonful Apricot Brandy Shake well. Strain. Serve

Tip-Top Cocktail

3 dashes Orange Bitters Shake

1 jigger French Vermouth 4 dashes Benedictine I dash Angostura Bitters

Treasury Cocktail

! jigger Italian Vermouth i jigger Dry Gin

slice of Orange. Frappe


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