1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

FIZZES Brandy Fizz

Juice of I lemon I barspoon of sugar I jigger French Brandy

Fill glass with syphon 2 dashes Yellow Chart– reuse Shake and strain

Canadian Whisky Fizz

Juice of i lemon I barspoon of sugar

Shake, strain, fill glas11 with syphon

I jigger Canadian Whisky

Chicago Fizz

Juice of t lemon ! jigger Jamaica Rum i jigger Port Wine

I barspoon of sugar Shake, strain, fill glass with syphon

I white of egg

Canadian Fizz

I egg Shake, straip., fill glass with syphon

Juice of I lime I barspoon of sugar I jigger Gin

Claret Fizz

Juice of t lemon I glass of Claret I barspoon of sugar

Shake, strain, fill glass with syphon

Daisy Fizz

Juice of l lemon Juice of ! lime l jigger orange juice

i jigger Brandy Shake, strain, fill glass with syphon

Diamond FizZ

Same as Gin Fizz

Fill glass with Cham– pagne and serve

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