1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

FIZZES Holland Gin Fizz


Juice of ! lemon I barspoon of sugar I jigger Holland Gin x dash White Creme de Menthe

Shake, strain into fizz glass. Fill glass with syphon

Irish Whisky Fizz

Juice of i lemon I barspoon of sugar 1 jigger Irish Whisky

Shake, strain into fi:r:z glass Fill glass with syphon

lap Fizz

! jigger Rye Whisky Shake, strain into fizz glass Fill with syphon

Juice of t lemon 1 barspoon of sugar 1 white of egg t jigger Port Wine

King Roonh Fizz Gin Fizz with Grenadine Frappe

Lalla Rookh Fizz

l jigger Brandy l jigger Jamaica Rum I barspoon of Cream

Juice oft lime I barspoon of sugar ! jigger Vanilla

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