1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks

MISCELLANEOUS Bradley Martin Iced Cr~me de Menthe with ! jigger Cura~ao on top

_Brain Duster

l jigger Brandy l jigger Dubonnet l jigger French Vermouth

Shake Strain into Delmonico glass

Brandy Chainpagne

i jigger Chartreuse 2

! jigger Anisette ! jigger Cura~ao ! jigger Kirschwasser

·dashes Angostura Bitters on top

Brandy Cmsta

i jigger Maraschino ! jigger Brandy I dash of lemon

Shake Strain, dress with fruit

Brandy Fix

f jigger Brandy Shake, strain into goblet filled with fine ice Decorate with fruit

I lime and juice i barspoon of sugar I pony pineapple juice 2 dashes Yellow Chartreuse

Brandy Float

I pony of Brandy Put a whisky glass over it, rim down. Reverse glasses, holding them tightly together so as to keep the Brandy in the pony glass; then

fill the whisky glass l full of Seltzer and draw out the pony glass very carefully so as to leave the Brandy float– ing on top of the Seltzer

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