1934 Angostura Recipes

Aneostura Home Recipes



old fashioned cocktail as mixed at PIERRE'S ^Lump Sugar Dash of Angostura Bitters Teaspoonful Water Mash Sugar—add 1 Jigger Rye or Bour bon, lump of ice, piece of lemon and

princess'cocktail as mixed at PIERRE'S Jigger Jamaica Rum.Juice of Yz Lime Dash of Grenadine Dash of Angostura Bitters french'"75" as mixed by CONSTANT RENAUD of The S.S. ILE DE FRANCE Use Tom Collins Glass Splash of Gum Syrup or Teaspoon Sugar 2 Teaspoons Lemon Juice Jiggers of Gin.2 Cubes Ice Fill glass with Dry Champagne

bronx cocktail as mixed a£TheHOTELNEW YORKER Fill mixing glass half full cracked ice Yg of an orange, squeezed and dropped into the glass

1/4 Italian Vermouth 1/4 French Vermouth Yz Dry Gin Stir,strain and serve.

Made with