1934 Bar La Florida Cocktails

MANHATTAN (Dulce) ยท

V2 Vermouth Martini Ro5si. 11z P,ye Whiskey. lfz Cucharadita de CLracao. Hielo menudo. Enfriese sin batirlo y cuelese. Sirvase con dos glindas.

V2 Martini Rossi Vermouth. V2 Rye Whisky. V2 Teaspoonful Curacao. Cracked Ice. Do not shake. Let it get very cold and strain. Serve with two cherries.



11z Gin -;ordon.

V2 Gordon Gin.

V2 Nolly Prat Vermouth. 2 Dashes Orange Bitter.

V2 Vernouth Nolly Prat. 2 Cota~ Orange Bitter.

Hielo meiudo. Enfriese sin Cracked Ice. batirlo y elese. Sirv<1se con Do not shake. Ollow it to una aceitUJa. get very cold and strain. Serve with an olive.

MARTINI (Demi-seco)

V2 Gin Gordo. V2 Vermouth Nolfy Prat. 2 Gotas Orane Bitter. Hielo menudo. Enfriese batirJo y cueJeSl

V2 Gordon Gin.

V2 Nolly Prat Vermouth.


2 Dashes Orange Bitter.

Cracked Ice.

Do not shake. Allow it to get very cold and strain. Then serve.

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