1934 Bottoms Up


IMPERIAL FIZZ Juice of Y2 lemon-1,3 Bacardi

2,3 Rye or Scotch Y2 tablespoon sugar Shake well, strain into long tumbler, fill with syphon soda water.


I part Gin 1 part Brandy 1 part French Vennouth 1 dash Maraschino Add ice and shake.

Large mixing glass hall full of shaved ice. One egg, one tea· spoonful of sugar, juice of half lem~~· two dashes of lime juice, one Jigger of whiskey or gin, one teaspoonful grenadine. Shake, strain into wineglass, fill with seltzer and serve at once.

M./\NIL./\ 1 part Brandy-Y2 part Curacao Y2 part Maraschino Y2 teaspoon Lemon ] uice Mix in highball glass, strain


1 jigger Hollai;id gin 3 dashes lemon or lime juice

Pour into large glass and fill with soda water. Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar and cracked ice. Stir thoroughly.

One and a half jiggers · of gin, juice of small lime or lemon, one pony of simple syrup, 2 or 3 cubes of ice. Stir and strain into tall tumbler, add plain soda.

PROSPERITY One or two ice cubes, one jigger each of .American Sauteme and Bourbon whiskey, juice of half a lime, two teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar. Stir with a spoon.

TOM ./\ND JERRY Use small glass. One pony of brandy, rum or whiskey, one raw egg (beaten), one or ~wo teaspoonfuls of powdered sug• nr. Stir well and add hot milk. Serve with grated nutmeg on top.


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