1934 Cocktail Bill Boothby's World Drinks and how to mix them



CAFE ROYAL Chartreuse (Yellow) 2 spoons Sugar

1 cube

Hot Coffee 1 cup Place sugar in large spoon and pour chartreuse over it. When sugar is dissolved, add to coffee. Stir well and serve with spoon.



2 jiggers Egg

all of one

Brown Sugar 2 spoons Nutmeg to taste Beat egg with sugar into batter. Heat ale until nearly boiling. Pour mix tures back and forth until smooth, pour into highball glass, grate nutmeg over and serve.



1 jigger Rum 2 spoons Egg 2 jiggers Nutmeg

1 spoon

Sugar Syrup

all of one

Hot Milk to taste Beat egg into froth, stir in sugar and brandy. Slowly stir in hot milk to fill and add rum over top. Grate nutmeg over and serve with spoon.



3 jiggers Sugar Syrup

2 spoons

Cinnamon small piece Lemon 1 slice Place all in saucepan and bring to boiL Pour into tall highball glass and serve vidth spoon. GROG Rum 1 jigger Sweet-Sour 2 spoons Hot Water to fill Stir in highball glass, add hot water to fill, twist lemon peel over and serve with spoon. KEY WEST Rum 1 jigger Allspice - Vi spoon Sugar Syrup 1 spoon Butter size of pea Nutmeg to taste Hot Water to fill Stir in highball glass with hot water, twist lemon peel over, grate nutmeg over and serve with spoon. LAIT DE POULE (French Egg Nog) Brandy f jigger Rum 2 dashes Egg 2 yolks Sugar Syrup 2 spoons Hot Milk 2 jiggers Beat egg with syrup and add a little hot milk. Stir in brandy, add hot milk to fill, dash rum over top and serve with spoon.

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