1934 Cocktail Bill Boothby's World Drinks and how to mix them

MISCELLANEOUS In this department appear many favorites of the connoisseur, together with after-dinner beverages, members of the "nog" family and other famous concoctions. Milk punches and a host of other delightful bev erages are included. Here, also, will be found many pousse cafes and other Parisian and Continental dainties. In the serving of pousse cafes, where the proper glass is not at hand, a whisky glass, placed upon a deep glass saucer and surrounded with fine cracked ice, will serve satisfactorily. In the service of this bev erage, a straw cut to one-half length should be placed in each glass. Pousse cafes may be readily identified by the fact that the ingredients are numbered in the order in which they must be placed in the glass.



1 jigger Orange Bitters ...2 dashes

Sugar to fill Dash bitters over sugar in small cocktail glass. Add lump of ice, Dubonnet and stir well. Add Champagne to fill, stir gently, twist lemon peel over and serve with cut straws. 1 lump Champagne


Kirschwasser 54 Pour into pony glass with no ice and serve with ice-water chaser. jigger Anisette

ANGEL Raspberry Syrup (1) ...54 jigger Maraschino (2)

54 jigger

Creme de Violette (3) ....K jigger -- Pour carefully, as numbered and so that ingredients will not mix, into pousse cafe glass and serve with cut straws.


Creme de Cocoa (1) ... jigger Prunelle (2) jigger Pour carefully, as numbered and so that ingredients will not mix, into pousse cafe glass and serve with cut straws.

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