1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul


Use a small mixing glass. One spoon sugar dissolved in a little water. One jigger Brandy. One jigger Maraschino. Two dashes Arrack. Juice of one-half lemon.

Fill glass with shaved ice. shake well and strain into a punch glass filled with shaved ice, decorate with fruit and serve with straws. Milk. Use a large mixing glass. Two spoons sugar. Half glass shaved ice. One jigger Brandy. One-half jigger Rum. Fill glass with milk and shake. Strain into a Collins glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve with straws. Orgeat.

Use a large mixing glass. Two-thirds full shaved ice. One jigger Orgeat syrup. One jigger Brandy. Juice of one-half lemon.

, -x,. Shake well, strain into a goblet that has been filled with shaved icĀ®- . i j Decorate with fruit, a few dashes of Port wine on top and serve with straws.


Use a punch glass or goblet. Two-thirds Amer Picon.

One-third Grenadine syrup. Two or three cubes of ice. Two slices of orange. Stir together and fill with siphon while stirring. Serve straws. Pineapple. For a party of twenty-five.

Ten bottles of Champagne. Three pints of Jamaica Rum.

Three pints of Brandy. Three jiggers Curacoa. Juice of eight lemons. Three pineapples sliced. One pint pineapple juice. Sweeten to suit taste. Mix all the above in a large crock, except the Champagne, and allow to stand for an hour or two. Champagne should be added just prior to being served. Ice well in a punch bowl and use glass cups in serving. Decorate with fruit.

Port wine.

Use a large mixing glass. Two-thirds full of shaved ice.

One egg. One spoon sugar. Threedashes wintergreen. One jigger Port wine. Fill with Milk, shake well and serve in a Collins glass. Serve straws.


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