1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul
Use a small mixing glass.
Two or three lumps or cubes of ice. One dash Peychaud bitters. One dash Curacoa. One jigger Dry Gin. Stir well, strain into glass. Ginger Ale Use a Fizz glass. (A tall 10 oz glass.) Pare a whole lemon. Slip a cube or lump of ice into peel. Fill with Ginger Ale.
(Imported if available.)
Stir and serve.
Use a large mixing glass. Muddle a lump of sugar at bottom of mixing glass. One jigger Dry Gin. One-eighth of small orange.
Fill with shaved ice. Shake well and strain.
Use a large mixing glass. One-half jigger Rye. One-half jigger Sloe gin. One dash Absinthe. Two dashes Curacoa. One slice of orange. Fill glass with shaved ice. Shake well and strain. Use a large mixing glass. Two dashes Absinthe. One dash Curacoa. Two dashes Bokers Bitters. One jigger Irish whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice.
x • Stir well, strain, add an olive and squeeze oil out of strip of lemon peel. Japanese
Use a small mixing glass. Half fill with shaved ice. Three dashes Orgeat syrup. Two dashes Peychaud bitters.
One slice of lemon. One jigger brandy. Stir well and strain.
Use a large mixing glass. Two or three lumps or cubes of ice. One bar spoon sugar. Two dashes Angostura bitters. Fill glass with sweet cider, stir well and strain into stem punch glass. Lone Tree
Use a large mixing glass. Half fill with shaved ice. One—third each French and Italian Vermuth.
One-third Dry Gin. One dash Absinthe. One strip of orange rind. Shake well and strain.
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