1934 Gordon's Cocktail & Food Recipes


ing clear alcoholic concoctions forced upon them. The brain is the arbiter, the messenger that carries good news, fair news, or bad news to the fellow we call "us." The cells telegraph the brain instantly and constantly concerning everything they experience. When food-and– alcohol combinations arrive, the cells telegraph warmth and good cheer. When alcohol ar– rives without food, the cells call instantly and insistently for food or water. Their delicate membranes have been assaulted; they require an antidote, a mixing agent. Failing it, they blister and scald and exude gas. This gas reacts upon the brain, and dizziness or intoxi– cation results. Take food with your drinks, then, if you would enjoy your drinks and escape penalties. Fat, weight, with some people, is taken on rapidly with the drinking of alcoholic bever– ages. Food with the drink, rather than after it, will minimize the weight increase. Food with the drink satisfies the appetite; drink alone sets up a demand for food and encour– ages excessive eating in an effort t~ repair the damage caused by the liquor. 10

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