1934 Gordon's Cocktail & Food Recipes


OPPORTUNITY COCKTAIL 1 Bourbon 1 Dubonnet Absinthe, 3 Dashes Curacao, 1 Dash

Add 1 Slice of Lemon, 1 Slice of Orange, mull with a bar spoon, add 1 Dash of An– gos!ura Bitters and serve in the same glass. 0 0 0 ROCK AND RYE Add the Juice of 1 Lemon and stir until the candy dissolves. Serve in the same glass. · 0 0 O· RYE COCKTAIL (PLAIN) Rye Whiskey, 1 Glass Gum Syrup, 3 Dashes Angostura Bitters, 1 Dash Ice.-Stir. Strain and serve in a glass with an olive. 0 0 0 SHARPSHOOTER Irish or Rye, 1 Glass Absinthe, 1 Dash Angostura Bitters, 1 Dash Sugar, 1 Lump Mull until the sugar dissolves and ·a.dd a lemon twist. 66 Rye Whiskey, 1 Glass Rock Candy, 1 Piece

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