1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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67. LIST OF PRINCIPAL MIXTURES. Tansy, Calamus or Flag Root, Black Molasses, Milk, Jamaica Ginger, Mint, Honey, Wormwood, Kggs, Sugar (lumps and pulver ized). Peppermint, Peper (red and black), Condensed Milk, Nutmeg, Allspice, Cinnamon, Salt, Pepper Sauce, Bicarbonate of Soda, Calisaya, Cloves, Coffee, Roast Corn, Celery Salt, Beef Extract, Celery Syrup, Bromo Lithia, Bromo Seltser, Antipareen.

68. SUNDRIES. Tobaccos,

Segars, Cigarettes,

Chewing Tobacco.

69. THE PRINCIPAL STOCK OP A RESTAURANT. Meats, Vegetables, Beef, Potatoes, Mutton, Onions, Lamb, Tomatoes, Veal, Cabbage, Pork, Lettuce,

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