1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual
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general HARRISON EGG NOGG. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 fresh egg; ^ tablespoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 lumps of ice; Fill the glass with cider; Shake well; strain it into a large bar glass; grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. The above drink is a very pleasant one, and is popu lar throughout the Soutliern part of the country, and it is not intoxicating. It is proper to use the very best quality of cider, as by using poor cider it is impossible to make this drink palatable. 1 tablesponful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; ^ wine glass of water or squirt of seltzer, dissolved well with a spoon; pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum; Fill up with fine shaved ice; Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea son, and serve with a straw. This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot season, providing you don't use poor rum. ST. CROIX RUM PUNCH. (Use a large bar glass.)
SODA LEMONADE. (Use a large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful of sugar; 6 to 8 dashes of lemon juice; 3 or 4 lumps of broken ice; 1 bottle of plain soda water;
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