1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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bottle op cocktail for parties. 1 quart of good old whiskey, providing the bottle is large enough for the entire mixture; 1 pony glass of euragoa (red); 1 wine glass of gum syrup (be careful in not using too much); f pony glass of bitters (Boker's genuine only); Mix this well by pouring it from one shaker into an other, until it is thoroughly mixed; pour it into a bot tle, and cork it; then put a nice label on it, and you will have an elegant bottle of cocktail. CALIFORNIA SHERRT WINE COBBLER. (Use a large bar glass.) tahlespoonful of sugar; 1 pony glass of pineapple syrup, dissolve well in a lit tle water; Fill the glass with ice; 1-J wineglassful of California sherry wine; Stir up well with a spoon; ornament the top in a fancy manner with oranges, pineapple, and berries; top it off with a little old port wine, and serve with a straw.

ORCHARD PUNCH. (Use a large bar glass.)

2 tahlespoonfuls of orchard syrup; 2 or 3 dashes of lime or lemon juice;

pony glass of pineapple syrup, dissolve well with a little water or squirt of syphon, vichy, or setters; Fill the glass with fine ice; 1 wineglassful of California brandy; Mix well with a spoon, and ornament with grapes, oranges, pineapple, and berries in a tasteful manner ; top off with a little port wine, and serve with a straw.

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