1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

DAILY KITCHEN EXPENSES. The above tabulated form of the Daily Expenses is basedin a supposed business where the rent is about §12,000 a year regarding that of the Cafe at §5,000 theRestaurant §3,000 and theHotel §4,000; Lunch

Wages, 18 people . §29 75 Rent 8 33 Meals, 18 people 7 20 Gas and electric light. 2 00 Rent 13 88 Meals, 7 people 2 80 Gas and electric light. 1 00 Rent 11 11 Meals, 5 people 2 00 Gas and electric Ught. 3 50 The expenses are based upon these supposed per cents (%2, %2, V12) of rent for the different depart ments and divided up in proportion. The sum of the expenses of theBdifferent departments aggre gates §130.00 asgiven in the single table of Daily Expense. Ice 2 00 Laundry 2-80 Coal 1 50 Beer, 18 people 1 60 Opal 50 Beer, 7 people 1 00 Coal 1 00 Beer, 5 people 35 Breakage 3 00 Breakage 75 Breakage 50 License Insurance 40 Water Tax 75 Extras, Alterations... 1 50 Water Tax 25 Extras, Alterations... 1 00 Water Tax 50 Extras, Alterations... 1 00 Total §59 65 Wages, 7 people §13 64 Wages, 5 people § 3 99 Ice :.. 150 Laundry...., 50 Lunch. 4 50 License 3 28 Insurance 40 License Insurance 40 Total §44 00 Ice 50 Laundry 1 50 Lunch Total §26 35




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