1934 Irvin S Cobb's own Recipe Book

cocktail was created at the Pendennis Club in Louisville in honor of a famo11s old-fashioned Kentucky Colonel. I claim it was worthy of him.

ORANGE BLOSSOM: 11h jiggers Paul Jones Four Star Gin, juice of 1h Orange. Stir well with cracked ice and strain. This was invented at the old Waldorf to honor a visiting Irish poet. He never got to his dinner.

ORIENTAL: 1h Paul Jones or Four Roses Whiskey, ~ Italian Vermouth, % Curacao, % Lime Juice. Shake well with cracked ice and strain. Then grab a shawl and go into your dance.

PINK LADY: White of 1 Egg, 1 tablespoon Grenadine, 11h jiggers Paul Jones Four Star Gin. Shake well with cracked ice and strain. Named for the famou.r operetta.

RYE WHISKEY: 1 dash Angostura Bitters, 4 dashes Syrup, 1 glass Paul Jones or Four Roses Rye. Stir well with cracked ice, strain and serve with Cherry. This is the daddy of all whiskey cocktails.

SAZERAC: Dissolve 1 lump of Sugar in a teaspoonful of Water. 1 dash Peychaud Bitters, 1 dash Pernod, 1 jigger Paul Jones or Four Roses Whiskey. Stir well with cracked ice, strain and squeeze Lemon Peel on top. Some people think this"' cocktail is the most important thing that has occuned in New Orleans since Andrew Jackson licked the British there and certainly since the Mafia riots. Conrnme too many of these cocktails and you'll think the riot– ing has broken out all over again. But taken in reason - oh ;oy, oh rapture! 42

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