1934 Irvin S Cobb's own Recipe Book

GIN FIZZ: Juice of 1h Lemon, 1h tablespoon Powdered Sugar, 1 jigger Paul Jones Four Star Gin. Shake well wich cracked ice, strain into small high– ball glass, fill with carbonated water. Deservedly one of Amuica's most popular concoctions. GOLDEN FIZZ: Same as Gin Fizz, adding Yolk of 1 Egg. IMPERIAL HOTEL FIZZ: lf.i Jamaica Rum, % Paul Jones or Four Roses Whiskey, 4 dashes Lemon Juice, Juice of 1h Lime. Shake well with cracked ice, strain into small highball glass, .fill with carbonated water. It takes an expert to make it, but you couldn't spend your time better than in looking for that expert. MORNING GLORY FIZZ: Juice of 1h Lemon, 1h tablespoon Powdered Sugar, white of 1 Egg, 2 dashes Pernod, 1 jigger Four Roses or Paul Jones Whiskey. Shake well with cracked ice, strain into small highball glass, fill with car– bonated water. A friend of mine once inse1·ted fotff of these Morning Glories into himself with as many quick nervous mannerisms, and ardved at hi.f' apartment at 5 :30 A. M., speaking an rmknown tongue and weai·ing a waite,.'s a{'ron and a perfect stranger's hat. Later he claimed the language he had used was Ancient Sanskrit,

NEW ORLEANS FIZZ: Juice of 1h Lemon, 1h tablespoon Powdered Sugar, white of 1 Egg, 1 jigger Paul Jones Four Star Gin, dash of Orange Juice, 1 tablespoon Sweet Cream. Shake well with cracked ice, strain into small highball g ass, fill with carbonated water. This edifying delicacy o,.iginated at the famous old Ramos bar in New Orleans. If you shake it as the ba1·-boys at Ramos' do - for ten mini;tes - you've got something to write home to the folks about. But quit while you can still write - some way this drink seems to take right hold. 46

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