1934 Irvin S Cobb's own Recipe Book

~ Y inheritance, by nativity, and by virtue of per– ' sonal conviction, I claim the right to deal with this pleasing subject. So far as the annals appear to show, the first of our tribe to land upon the coasts of th.e Western Hemisphere - one Deacon Henry Cobb, who left Ireland just ahead of a warrant for rebellion against the Crown and then left England a few hours before a bailiff arrived with a writ - was also the first English– speaking resident on this Continent commissioned to "draw spirits," which I take it meant he probably was the pioneer licensed publican and victualler of all the glad New W odd. (See official church records of Situate colony, in Massachu– setts, for ·the year 1636.) Nothing is said about his serving free lunch. Upwards of two centuries later, the worthy deacon's descendant, my paternal great-grandsire, developed the love for fast horse-flesh which ever since has distinguished our family. We may the better understand this love of his when I tell you he succeeded in getting beyond the borders of 7 I'!

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