1934 My New Cocktail Book (2 nd edition) by G F Steele


JOHN COLLINS (Use large glass) 100% Holland Gin

bottle Club Soda juice of one Lemon juice of half a Lime tablespoonful Sugar

TOM COLLINS Fill goblet with fine ice I jigger Dry Gin juice one small Lemon Shake well; strain into a large thin glass and fill with one bottle Club Soda or domestic soda. Stir with spoon. R. KANE COLLINS 2 large portions Gordon's Gin juice of one good Orange milk of one green Cocoanut Sherry glass of Grenadine white of one fresh Egg Shake well with one big piece of ice. Serve this in two large glasses and fill up with very cold soda water and ice. To make this drink a heavenly one in the morning when all the fiends of hell are gnawing at your throat, clip a full-blown rose on top of the glass and drink it very slowly—IF YOU CAN...


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