1934 The Masterly Touch


Cinzano Vermouth - The fovorile vermoulh of conno isseurs all over Europe. Ifs not too sweet and not too dry but just right for cockroils o r o delight– ful aperitif.

A distinctive dry gin– Conodo Dry·s Gin is cocktail-tes ted. The delicate bouquet end mellow, satiny Oovor make it the moster-mi•– er. Distilled, of course, and full strength.

The Champagne of Ginger Ales- Canada Dry Ginger Ale doesn't merely mi• ... ii blends I More sparkle, Oovor, 'Jnd ba l a nce. Ye t it cost s no more !hon ordinary ginger oles.

Two fin e whiske ys - Ceder Brook Rye Whiskey, o blend. end O ld log Cabin Bour– bon Whiskey, a blend, ore superb whiskeys. Full 90 proof. In lull quarts and pints.


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