1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to M~x All Kinds of Drinks.



Y3 part apple jack. Y3 part gin.

):i part lemon juice. J:i · part liquid honey. Plenty cracked ice and shake well.

WIDOW'S DREAM (Use mixing glass.)

0 glass cracked ice. 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar. 4 dashes lemon juice. White of 1 egg. 0 jigger gin. Shake well; strain into hollow stem champagne glass; add ~;,; jigger Cream de Rose; float with claret wine. YALE COCKTAIL 3 dashes orange bitters. 1 dash Boker's hitters. Add a portion of gin · ice mix strain into cocktail glass; add a - , , , squirt of syphon, lemon on top. YOK9HAMA COCKTAIL To a dash of absinthe, add J:i grenadine. J:i vodka. Y3 orange juice and Y3 gin. Shake plenty. Serve in a thimble !


0 teaspoonful of sugar. 1 dash of absinthe.

2 dashes of Angostura bitters. 1 dash of orange bitters. 1 pony whisky. 2 ponies mineral water. F rappe till icy cold. Serve in old fashioned glass.

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