1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to 111ix All Kinds of Drinks.


SHERRY COBBLER (CALIFORNIA.) (A large bar glass.)

I teaspoonful sugar. 1 pony pineapple syrup. 2 wine-glasses of California sherry. Fill glass with fhaved ice. Stir well; dress with fruits, and gently pour a little port on top. Serve with a straw. BLACK STRIPE. (Use a.- small bar glass.) I wine-glass Santa Cruz rum or Jamaica. 1 tablespoon n;iolasses. If called for in summer, stir in about a tablespoon of water and cool with shaved ice. If in winter, fill the gla!:jiiJ with boiling water, grating a little nutmeg on top, and serve. BLUE BLAZER. (Use two silver-plated mugs.) . 1 teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in a little hot water. 111wine-glass Scotch whisky. Set the liquid on fire, and, while blazing, pour three or four times from one mug into another. This will give the appearance of a stream of liquid fir~. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. CHAMPAGNE 'FRAPPE. Place the bottle in the champagne cooler; fill with. shaved ice and salt; whirl the bottle until the wine becomes almost frozen.

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