1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide


The Complete Buffet Guide, or

WHISKY SLING (COLD). (Use small bar glass.) 1 teaspoon sugar dissolved in U V.:ine-glass water. x or 2 lumps ice. 1 wine-glass whisky. Stir well, and grate nutmeg on top, and serve. HOT SCOTCH WHISKY SLING. (Use whisky glass.) A wine-glass of Scotch whisky. A lump of sugar. A piece of lemon peel. Fill glass U full with boiling water; grate nutmeg on top, and serve. BRANDY SMASH. (Use large bar glass.) U tablespoonful powdered sugar. U wine-glass water. 2 or 3 sprigs mint, pressed as in mint julep. 1 wine-glass brandy. Fill glass U full sha red lee. Stir well; strain into a fancy bar glass, and serve. GIN .SMASH. (Use large bar glass.) U glass shaved ice. 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 2 or 3 sprigs mint, pressed as in mint julep. 1 wine-glass Holland gin. Stir well; strain ;.,to a sour glas": dress with fruit; serve.

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