1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide
How to ilfix All Kinds of Drinks.
bowl; add the Capillaire, spirits, shrub, and wine, stirrin~ well.
GRANDEUR PUNCH. (Use a large bowl.)
1.U lbs. loaf sugar. 6 lemons, cut in slices.
1 gill of Anisette. 1 bottle Kununel. 6 oranges, sliced. 1 bottle of Kirschwasser. 1-3 gallon water. 6 bottles of Nordhauser Brantwein. I gill of Curacoa (red) . Stir well with a ladle, and surrqund the bowl with ice, and serv~ in a wine-glass. Rub the peel of 4 fine lemons , and also the peel of 2 oranges, u'ri'til it has absorbed, all the yellow part of the lemon and orange. I .U lbs. of lump· sugar. 1 pineapple, cut in slices. I 2 fine oranges, cut in slices. I box of strawberries. 2 bottles Apollinaris water. Mix the abo·ve ingredients well and add: EMPIRE CITY PUNCH. (Use an extra large bowl.)
.U gill of Marascfuino. .U gill of Curacoa (red). .U gill of Benedictine.
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