1934 What Goes With What

ST. CROIX RUM PUNCH Use a large glass; the juice of one Lemon, one tablespoonful of Sugar. Add a little Carbonated Water and dissolve well, one-half wine glass of St. Croix Rum. Fill with shaved ice, mix well, and ornament with fruits .

Here's a s igh to those who love me, A nd a smilo to those who hate; And whatever sky's above nie, Here's a heart /or every /ate. •

THE BEST PUNCH Into a bowl containing several large cubes of ice, pour one cup of strong Tea, juice of two Lemons, one teaspoonful of Sugar, one half wine glass of Brandy, one pony of Curacao, one pony of Medford Rum, one quart of Champagne. Add Carbonated W ater, a quart or more, to suit the taste.

Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter - - - Sermons and soda water the day after. -Byron •

FISH HOUSE PUNCH One third pint Lemon Juice, three-fourths pound Sugar dissolved in water, one half pint Cognac, one-fourth pint Peach Brandy, one-fourth pint Jamaica Rum, two and one -half pints Carbonated Water. These quantities make enough to serve about a dozen guests. Stir until well m ixed, ice and serve in medium size thin glasses.


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