1934 What Goes With What

PUNCH A LA ROMAINE One bottle Champagne, one bottle Rum, two tablespoonfuls Orange Bitters, ten Lemons, three sweet Oranges, two pounds Sugar, •ten fresh Eggs. Dissolve the sugar in the juice of the Lemons and Oranges, adding the rind of one Orange. Strain through a sieve into a bowl and add by degrees the whites of the Eggs beaten to a froth. Place the bowl on ice until cold, then stir in the Rum and Champagne until thoroughly mi)red.

Seroe infancy stem glasses. These quantities make.. enough to seroe about fifteen guests.

May we kiss whom Wt' plea.se. A nd please whom we ki.ss. •

PEACH PUNCH Into a large glass drop a whole Peach; if not in season use canned Peaches. Add a little of the juice in place of Sugar. Add one-half wine glass Rye Whiskey. Fill glass with cracked ice. Add Carbonated Water, stir well, and ornament with fruit.

Woman - - - she needs no eulogy ; She speaks for herself. •

KIRSCHWASSER PUNCH Into a large glass half full of ice, put two dashes Lemon Juice, one-half teaspoonful of Sugar, three dashes Yellow Chartreuse, one dash Carbonated Water, one wine glass Kirschwasser. Stir well, and fiiI up with ice. Trim with Fruit, and seroe with Straws.


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