1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek


What Shall We Drink?

HOT SHERRY TODDY Sherry Toddies never should be made cold. Fill heavy glass tumbler one third full of Sherry Wine. Add a table- spoonful of"gum"and fill glass with boiling hot water,being careful to pour into center and not strike liquid against the glass. Top with a half sUce of orange. SLOE GIN TODDY For hot or cold Sloe Gin Toddy,do as in others above. ABSINTHE FRAPPE Use small goblet. Pour in two ounces (less would be better) of Absinthe. FiU glass with finely shaved ice and add water till it nearly runs off. Stir and sip. This may be modified by adding a teaspoon of "gum." WHISKY COBBLER In a large tumbler pour three ounces of Whisky (any kind) and add three teaspoons of pineapple syrup and a tablespoon of gum. Stir thoroughly, then fill glass with finely chipped ice, topping with quarter slice of orange, quarter shce of lemon and a couple of strawberries, rasp berries or other fruits in season. GIN SANGAREE Use a small glass, conical in shape. Pour in a tablespoon of"gum,"two ouncesofgin(a bit more if you hke it stronger), add a tablespoon of cracked ice, stir with spoon and on top carefully pour a tablespoon of Sherry Wine to have it rest on top of drink, much as a pousse cafe might be served. ROCK AND RYE A whisky glass should be used to receive a teaspoon of rock candy syrup and two ounces of Rye Whisky. Stir and add a dash of lemon juice. WHISKY AND CIDER Into a tumbler pour two ounces of whisky (any kind), fill glass with cold cider and stir well before drinking.

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