1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek


What Shall We Drink?

MIXING A CANADIAN PUNCH We can almost forgive Canada for raising tariff walls against the United States when we drink this Canadian Punch. Into the punch bowl hned with cracked ice, go two quarts of Canadian Rye Whisky,five shced lemons,one and a half pints Jamaica Rum (or any other kind if you like), the half slices of one pineapple or the canned, if not available. Now pour in, stirring all the while, one gallon (four quart bottles) of seltzer, vichy or carbonated water, add two ounces of Arrack and a half pint of "gum." Serve in punch glasses—about thirty-five drinks at your service. MIXING AN ORGEATPUNCH The Orgeat Punch is a real delight. Try one:Into shaker partly filled with finely shaved ice pour three teaspoons of Orgeat S3mip, three ounces of brandy, a quarter teaspoon of strained lemon juice and shake till thoroughly chilled. Pour into thin tiunbler, fill with fine ice almost like snow, add a dash ofPort or Sherry wine,afew bits offruit in season,and drink with straw or glass sipper. MIXING A FROSTED RUM PUNCH Have your shaker ready wdth some finely chipped ice. Pour in three ounces of fine rum (any kind), add a half tea spoon of strained lemon juice and "gum"to taste,say,about two teaspoons. Shake well and poiu into thin goblet almost filled with snowy ice, add a dash of Arrack and top with your favorite fruit or berries. Use straw or glass sipper. MIXING AN EGG MILKPUNCH Here's a delicious Egg Milk Punch fit for a King! Made individually, it spells real art in mixing. Carefully now, follow instructions: Use shaker to break in one fresh egg, one and a half ounces of French brandy, two and a half oimces fine rum,a quarter teaspoon of strained lemon juice and a teaspoon and a half of powdered sugar. Add to this, estimating, enough milk to make the mixture fiU a goblet.

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