1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek

Juleps 87 fill the glass with finely shaved ice. Insert the sprigs of mint, stem downward, and tastefully arrange between the leaves bits of shced cherries, strawberries or pineapple, or all of them, as you wish. Drink luxuriously with straw or glass sipper. MIXING A CHAMPAGNE JULEP With the Champagne Julep we'll pass on to other fields equally dehghtful in the drinking line. But let's mix it first and try it. In a small stemmed glass like a champagne glass but not hollow-stemmed, bruise with a lump of white sugar the juice ofasprig of mint. Now fill the glass with ice cold champagne, stirring very slowly as you pour. Crown the hquor with bits of sUced orange, berries and a couple of sweet grapes, if you like grapes. If not, don't use them. You'll smack your lips after this one I

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