1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek


What Shall We Drink?

SARATOGA POUSSE CAFE Six ingredients go into a small slender cylinder glass as follows: A sixth glass each of Curacao, Benedictine, Rasp berry Syrup, Cognac Brandy, Green Creme de Menthe and Vanilla Cordial. Sip each ingredient carefully. POUSSE L'AMOUR(LOVE) Another delightful French pousse, made m slender Sherry wine glass, with four iagredients. First Maraschino Cordial, then, very carefully, slip an unbroken yolk of one egg on top of the Maraschino,so that itforms an orange ring, then add Green Vanilla or Chartreuse, as you prefer, and top with Cognac Brandy. AMERICAN POUSSE CAFE Use a very slender, almost straight, finger-wide glass for this drink. Pour in quarter glass each of Maraschino Cordial, Curacao, Green Chartreuse and Cognac Brandy. POUSSEPARIS Into a slender Sherry glass pour one fifth Creme de Menthe (green); one fifth Curacao, one fifth Kirschwasser, one fifth Chartreuse,one fifth Cognac Brandy. POUSSE MARSEILLAIS Into a slender Sherry Wine glass pour fifth parts each of Green Vanilla, Red Curacao, Yellow Chartreuse, White Creme de Menthe and Benedictine. NEW ORLEANSPOUSSE CAFE Pour into a slender Sherry wine glass one third each of Cognac Brandy, Maraschino Cordial and Curacao. POUSSE L'AMBASSADOR Pour into slender Sherry Wine glass fifth parts each of rich, heavy cream, Creme de Menthe (Green), YeUow Char treuse, Maraschino Cordial,Peach Brandy. POUSSE PARISIENNE Fifth parts each of Raspberry Syrup, Chartreuse, Mara schino Cordial,Curacao and Cherry^Brandy.UseSherry glass.

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