1935 For home use Angostura Bitters recipe book (3rd edition)

Individual Punches

BRANDY PUNCH Halffill large tumbler with fine ice. 3 teaspoonfuls Syrup. 4 dashes Angostura Bitterii Juice of J Lemon. i wineglass Rum (sea page 8), wineglasses Brandy. I slice of Orange. I slice of Pineapple. MIh well; dress with fruit, and serve with straws. GIN PUNCH Half fill mixing glass with fine ice. a teaspoonfuls Syrup. 4 dashes Lemon jtiice. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. wineglasses Hollands Gin. 6 dashes Soda Water or Apollinaris. Shake well, strain into punch glass. Dress with fruit and serve. HOT IRISH PUNCH Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water, in a hot pimch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. I wineglass Irish Whisky. I piece Lemon peel (twisted). Fill up with hot water; stir, grate nutmeg on top, and serve. HOT RUM PUNCH Dissolve 2lumps ofsugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. I wineglass Rum (res page 8). I slice ofLemon with peel attached. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.

HOT \«^HISKY PUNCH Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. I wineglass Scotch Whisky. I piece Lemon peeltwisted over and dropped into glass. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve. MILK PUNCH Half fill mixing glass with fine ice. I teaspoonful Syrup. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters, i wineglass Brandy, i wineglass Rum {see page 8). Fill up with milk. Mix and strain into tall, thin glass. Serve with a little grated nutmeg on top. This punch can be served hot by substituting water for ice, and by heating almost to boiling point after the introduction of the milk. PORT PUNCH Halffill a large tumbler with fineice. 1 tablespoonful Syrup. 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. 2 dashes Lemon Juice. li wineglasses Port. wineglass Brandy. Stir well, dress with fruit, and serve with straws. TRINIDAD PUNCH Put 2 cocktail glasses of fine ice into mixing glass or shaker. i wineglass Lime or Lemon Juice, i wineglass Syrup. I wineglass Rtim {see page 8). 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. When thoroughly mixed (and ice melted) strain and divide into two drinks, grating a little nutmeg on the top ofeach drink. Add a small piece of Lime or Lemon peel.

WHISKY PUNCH Use mixing glass halffull offine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls Syrup. 4 or 5 dashes Lemon Juice. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. I wineglass Whis^. Mix well and strain into punch glass. Decorate with slice ofOrange, add 3or 4dashes ofCura9oa on top, and serve.

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