1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book


OLD WALDORF-ASTORIA BAR BOOK After a well known New York Club, then situated a few steps from the Waldorf, and supposed to have been originally compounded for members of that or– ganization, as was the case with Knickerbocker Punch (q. v.) .

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One pony Vanilla (lemonade glass) One-half jigger Brandy One-half Jamaica Rum One-half spoon Sugar One tablespoon Whipped Cream Ice; shake well ; strain One-fourth spoon Sugar Piece of Orange Peel One-half jigger Water; mix well Fill mixing glass with Ice Put over it jigger Port Wine Serve in star glass; add dash of Vichy Equal parts of Raspbetry Syrup, Strawberry Syrup, Pineapple Syrup, Lemon Juice, Currant or Blackberry Syrup and Orange Juice, with small pieces of Banana lee; fill glass with sparkling Water Two-thirds pony Russian KUmmel One-third Scotch Whiskey-no Ice



LEMONADE (a la Taylor)


LUNE DE MIEL One-third sherry glass White Cacao One-third Parfait d'Amour

Made with