1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book

HISTORICAL 165 "I am very sorry, sir,'' the polite barman now returned, shaking his head. "We haven't such whiskey and I have never heard of it. But we have Old Crow, Y.P .M.-" "What, sub?" bellowed Private Allen. "Do you mean to t~ll me, sub, that you haven't any of that famous, soul– inspirin' liquah; the joy of every American father, the pride of every American mother, and for which American children cry instead of for Pitchah's Castoria-0-1-1-1-d G-r-r-r-e-e-n Rivah?" "I am sorry, sir,'' said the barman, "but we haven't it.'' "Well, by Gawd," exclaimed Private Allen, his voice this time at its highest·,and most reverberant pitch, "you haven't got Old Green Rivah! Well, suh, I just refuse to drink in such a low-down place. Come on, fellahs!" And he led the way out of the barroom. The next afternoon, Colonel Brown saw Private Allen and the red-mustached major in close communion just out– side the Barroom entrance. The major slipped away. Pri– vate John said to Colonel Brown, with a chuckle, "Do you know, the Majah tells me he slipped into the Hoffman House Bar, this mornin', and sold 'em seventy-five cases of Old Green Rivah. Colonel,'' he continued, with a wink, "how'd you like, suh, for me to send· you down to At– lanta a case of Old Green Rivah with my compliments?"

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