1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book


Shake and strain; fill with chilled Seltzer


Juice one-fourth Lemon One-half spoon Sugar White of one Egg

One-half jigger Jamaica Rum One-half jigger Port Wine Ice; shake; strain; fill from siphon

An importation from the Windy City long before bombs, machine guns and .sawed-off shotguns had come to disturb its peaceful life.

I FREE SILVER Juice one-fourth Lemon

One-third spoon Sugar Two-thirds Tom Gin One-third Medford Rum One-half pony of Milk Ice; shake; strain; fill from siphon Free silver was an obsession of a great many Ameri– cans during the final decade of the last century.


Juice one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One jigger Tom Gin Shake and strain; fill from chilled siphon


Juice one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar

Yolk one Egg One jigger Gin Shake; strain; fill from chilled siphon

Made with