1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book



Four or five drops Lemon Juice One piece Lemon Peel; Ice (spoon)

SMASHES SMASH: To flatten; in tennis, to bat, etc.; in slang a smash is some– thing of extraordinary ability. Somewhere in these lies the origin of the term as "a beverage of spirituous liquors, with mint, water, sugar and ice." · BRANDY

Two sprigs Mint Two spoons Water One-quarter spobn Sugar

Muddle in fizz glass One jigge~ Brandy Two lumps Ice; serve with small spoon Three sprigs of Mint Fill mixing glass with fine Ice


Two more sprigs of Mint One-quarter spoon Sugar One-half pony of Water

Press well; add one jigger Whiskey Stir; strain; fruit well; Mint on top

SOURS SouR: A good old Anglo-Saxon word, and it started as surigan, was shortened to sur, and finally in its more modern version became the name of an alcoholic drink because of the taste of the lemon or lime that is an essential. BRANDY Juice one-half Lemon (star glass) One-half spoon Sugar

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