1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier
Va Vs
* Glaieul
Gin Dubonnet Absinthe Orange Bitter Lemon Juice Grenadine Grand Marnier Curasao Gin French Vermouth Absinthe Grenadine Italian Vermouth French Vermouth Dry Gin
2 ds. 2 ds.
+ Gloom Chaser
Va Va
* Gloom Raiser
2 ds. 2 ds.
* Golden Ermine
^/a 78'
Creme de Menthe white Italian Vermouth Brandy
^ Gold Deck
^ Gradeal ........ Vi V-t - V-^ * Grand Slam -i;:- V*
Gin Apricot Brandy Bacardi Rum French Vermouth Italian Vermouth Swedish Punch
Grape Juice Lemon Juice Gin Grenadine
* Grape Wine
V* V2 1 ds.
* Grapefruit
Vs V* 1
Gin Lemon Juice Barspoon Grapefruit. Jelly
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