1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier



o King Cole

Vi Rye "Whisky 2 ds. Gomme Syrup 2 ds. Fernet Branca

+ Kingston 1 Lump of Ice in old fashioned glass,decorate with slice of Pine apple and Orange Va Jamaica Rum Kummel 7-1 Orange Juice 3 ds. Pienento Dream (Jamaican Liquor) Vs Frenda Vermouth Vs Gin 1 ds. Italian Vermouth squeeze Lemon peel + Knickerboclcer, old fashioned 1 Barspoon Raspberry Syrup + Knickerbocker

1 Barspoon Lemon Juice 1 Barspoon Orange Juice 1 slice Pineapple Va Rum Curasao


* Knock out

Barspoon White Mint


7^ Absinthe 73 Gin 73 French Vermouth


* Kola

73 Gin ®/3 Kola 2 ds. Orange Bitter

* Kups

73 Italian Vermouth ^7 French Vermouth


Vs Gin

squeeze Orange peel


Made with