1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier


1 Barspcon Maraschino 1 Barspoon Grand Marnier Vi Malaga, Portoglass stir well Fruits Straws

Malaga Cobbler

2 ds. Orange Bitter

Olympic Cobbler

1 Barspoon Raspberry Syrup ^/2 Sherry balance Champagne

Va 3

Barspoon Sugar Barspoons Orgeat Syrup Portwine balance stir well decorate with Fruits Straws Rye Whisky Strawberry Ice Cream mix up with cradted Ice serve with Straws balance Soda

Portwine Cobbler

Rip van "Winkle Cobbler

Sherry Cobbler . .

1 Barspoon Sugar Vi Sherry, Portoglass balance Soda

Barspoon Pineapple Syrup or Curacao

Va Lemon Juice Ya Rum 1 Barspoon Gomme

Southern Cobbler

balance Southern white Wine Fruits Straws


Made with