1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier

Cold Punches

1 Pony Creme de Menthe blanche

Ching-Ching Punch

3-4 ds. Clove Extract Vji Barspoons Sugar 1 Sherryglass Rum

shake well and serve with Straws

2 Barspoons Sugar

Claret Punch

dissolve with "Water

Y2 Lemon Juice

balance red Wine Punchglass with Snow Ice decorate with Fruits Straws

1 Barspoon Sugar

Columbia Punch

dissolve with Water 1 Barspoon Lemon Juice Punchglass with Snow Ice 1 Portoglass Rum stir well, decorate, Slice of Lemon

Punchglass with Snow Ice Juice of a half Orange Juice a half Lemon

Columbus Punch

2 ds. Rum 1 ds. Maraschino 1 ds. Brandy

balance Chianti Wine stir well decorate with Fruits Sweet Cream on top


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