1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier
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Cold Punches
V2 Lemon Juice 3 Barspoons Raspberry Syrup 1 Barspoon Curajao balance Rum • stir well decorate Fruits Straws 1 Pony Blackberry Syrup V2 Pony Candy Syrup 2 Ponies Rye Whisky cut Lemon pieces on top Punchglass with out Ice put into Shaker 1 Egg 1 Barspoon Sugar Pony Vermouth 1 Pony Kummel balance with Creme (2—3 Ponies) shake well, and serve Straws Old fashioned or Pundiglass Ice
Knickerbocker Punch
Lincoln Punch
Mayors Punch
2 ds. Absinthe
1 Barspoon Sugar 1 Pony Rum 1 Pony Brandy
Milk Punch
balance fresh Milk shake well and strain into H. B. or Milkglass Nutmeg on top and cinna
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