1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier
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Cold Punches
Va Pony Egg Brandy 1 Pony Rum 1 Pony Sherrywine Va Spoon Lemon Juice
Romaine Punch
shake and strain into Punch- glass with cracked Ice Fruits — Straws
Va Barspoon Sugar Va Pony Raspberry Syrup V-i Pony Curafao Ya Brandy Va Rum
Roman old fashioned Punch
Punchglass with cracked Ice Shake well and strain into
Fruits — Straws
1 Barspoon Sugar Ya Lemon Juice 2 Ponies Rum — stir well
Rum Punch
Punchglass with cracked Ice decorate with Fruits Straws
Russian Punch
Ya Lemon Juice into Shaker
2 Barspoons Sugar 1 Pony Brandy 1 Pony Portwine
Strain into Tumbler or Ballon balance Tea
Sherry Punch . . . . . , . ,
1 Barspoon Sugar
Juice a half Lemon 1 Glass Sherrywine Pundiglass, cracked Ice Fruits — Straws
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