1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier


• Blue Codttail ...... ^/4 Scotch Whisky V-i Curasao Blue


. "V;

° Bobby

1/2 Italian Vermouth '/s Whisky

3 ds. Benedictine Lemon peel Ys Bacardi 7-1 Lemon Juice '/+ Orange Juice


small spoon Sugar

o Bombay Cocktail

V2 Brandy V4 French Vermouth V-i Italian Vermouth


2 ds. Curacao 1 ds. Absinthe

+ Bombay Club

Vi East Indian Punch

4 ds. Lemon Juice

^ Boomerang .

Va French Vermouth Va Rye Whisky Va Swedish Punch


' '"ii!

1 ds. Angostura 1 ds. Lemon Juice

3 ds. Angostura 3 ds. Jamaica Rum

+ Bourbon Cocktail

Vi Bourbon Whisky

7i Irish Whisky

+ Brainstorm

2 ds. Benedictine 2 ds. French Vermouth


Made with