1936 Cocktails Drinks and Snacks

Bijou Cocktail

1 1-2 oz. gin 1 oz. Italian Veimouth 1 oz. green Qhartreuse 1 dash orange bitters Ice, sUr, from Ibottom strain into oocktall glass, add 1 olive, dash oif lemom juice Boulevahd Special 2 oz. gin I oz. grapefiTiit juice 1 dash Grenadine Ice, stir, strain into cocktail glass Bronx Special 1 slice orange 1-2 slice pineaipple Muddle well,iplace in mixer, add cracked ice 2 oz. dry gin 2 oz. EYench Vermoutih 40 shakes, strain into cocktail glass ,, Bronx Silver 1 1-2 oz. gin Ice, 25 shakes, strain into cocktail glass Cafe de Paris Cocktail 2 OZ. gin 1 teaspoon cream 3 dashes a'nisette White of one egg Ihe, 30 shakes, strain into cocktail glass Caruso Cocktail 2 OZ. dry gin I oz. French Vermouth I oz. Creme de Menthe Ice, stir from bottom> strain,' into cocktail glaisB 4 1 oz. French Vermouth 1 oz. Italian Vermouth 1-2 oz. orange juice White of one egg

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