1936 Cocktails Drinks and Snacks

Clarldge Cocktail

1 1-2 oz. Di-y Gin 1 1-2 oz. Veiimouth 1 oz, Aipricot Bi-andy 1 oz. Cointreau Ice, stir from ibottom, strain into cocktail giass, add one lOherry. Cloverleaf Cocktail 2 oz. Dry Gin 1 oz. Grenadine, White of one egg Juice of half lemon or lime Ice, 25 Shakes, strain into cocktail glass. Club Cocktail 2 oz. Dry Gin 1 oz. Italian Vermoutli 1 dash Yellow Ghartreuse Ice, stiir well from bottom, strain into cocktail glass, add one cherry. Colonial Days Cocktail 2 oz. Dry Gin

1 oz. Italian Veimouth 2 dashes Maraschino Ice, 20 shakes, strain into cocktail glass. Coral Pink Cocktail 2 oz. gin 1 oz. French Vermouth 1 oz. Italian Vermouith 1 teasipoon Five Finiits Syru® Ice, stir well, strain Into cocktail glass. Dixie Cocktail 1 oz. Dry Gin 1 oz. French Vermouth 1 oz. Ahsinthe 3 dashes Grenadine 1 oz. orange juice Ice, 20 shakes, strain into cocktail glass.

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