1936 Cocktails and Appetizers by a Connnoisseur

SARDINE CANAPES Spread circles of Fried Bread with a layer of Sardine Paste. Arrange on top, in circles to resemble a rosette, lines of chopped Hard Boiled Egg and Chopped Pickle.

HAM CANAPES Pound some chopped Ham to a paste; moisten it with Cream or Milk. Spread it on the Fried Bread; dust with Cayenne, sprinkle with Cheese, and place in oven to brown.

CAVIAR AND SHRIMP Spread Cracker or Toast with Butter and Caviar. Lay slice of cooked Shrimp on center of spread and circle it with ring of chopped Hard Cooked Egg—keeping the Yolk and White separate. ANCHOVY AND CREAM CHEESE SPREAD One 3 oz. package Cream Cheese, 1 tablespoon Anchovy Paste, 1 teaspoon Minced Onion and mix to a smooth paste. Spread on foundation of Toast, Crackers, etc.

CHEESE AND GREEN PEPPER SPREAD Y2 lb. Cottage Cheese, 2 tablespoons minced Green Pepper, 1 tablespoon minced Onion, a dash of Cayenne and 1 tablespoon garlic flavored French Dressing.


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