1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke


Sloe Gin Fizz I measure sloe gin

juice of%fresh lemon ^tablespoonful sugar Shake well and strain into a medium sized glass. Fill with soda.

Silver Fizz i measure gin

juice of%fresh lemon 34 tablespoonful sugar 34 white of I egg Shake wellandstrain into a medium sized goblet glass. Fill with syphon soda.

Bucks Fizz Halffill a champagne glass with fresh orange juice, add thin slice oforange andfill glass with Champagne.

Dubonnet ^ wine glass Dubonnet Fizz

^liqueur glass cherry brandy juice of 34 orange juice of 34 lemon dash ofegg white Shake well and strain into medium sized goblet glass. Fill with syphon soda.


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