1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke


Mulled (2)—For 2 persons Burgundies Heat in a saucepan:

I 34 glasses Burgundy or Claret I measure Curacao I measure honey 134 teaspoonfuls sugar

Stir well until honey dissolves. Then stir in 1 lightly beaten egg, serve in mug and add slice of lemon. Dust with cinnamon.

Rum Booze Pour into a basin the yolks of 4 eggs, add 2 tablespoonfuls ofsugar and beat well together. In another basin beat the whites ofthe eggs and a little sugar to a whitefroth. Into a saucepan pour halfa bottle ofsherry, and the gratedpeel ofhalf a lemon, one teaspoonful ofnutmeg {grated) and a stick of cinnamon. Also sugar to taste if the sherry is ofthe dry type. Bring the contents ofthe saucepan to the boil and add a double rum—two doubles would be better still. Pour into the basin containing the prepared yolks ofeggs, stir well, and serve in thick glasses. Add a little beaten egg white to each drink.

Irish Coffee Use either the special glassfor this drink or a tallish 6 oz. glass. Place in 2 teaspoonfuls granulated sugar, and dissolve in very hot coffee, add a good measure of Irish whiskey, andfill glass to about one inchfrom the top. Thenfioat enough double cream tofill the glass.


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